Traditional Value System and Leadership Effectiveness in Nigerian Organizations
Dr. Ugwu Ude, Dr. Enu Bete
Public Policy and Administration Review, 1(1), pp. 16-25.

The application of social psychological theories of leadership in Nigerian organizations without validation of their cultural background and traditional value system has been called to question. An extensive appraisal of the major factors of value orientation across cultures and social systems in the globe indicates the limitations of the untested universal assumptions of leadership effectiveness in developing such theories on social norms, values, identities, self-concept and individualism-collectivism. The challenges are multiple-including membership status in organizations, leadership positions in organizations, tenureship and belief systems, and are occurring across cultures in Africa and within a sub-culture when addressing majorityminority matters. A social identity and leader prototypicality model proposed by Hogg and Van Knippenberg (2003) has been recommended for Nigerian organizations. This is hope, will provide a context for the citizens of Nigeria to believe in themselves and their abilities to solve their country’s organizations’ leadership problems.

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Dr. Ugwu Ude
Department of Public Policy and Administration
University of Calabar
Cross River State, Nigeria.

Dr. Enu Bete
Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Faculty of Education
University of Calabar
Cross River State, Nigeria.