Decentralization and Democratic Local Government in Cross River State, Nigeria: A Fact or Fallacy
Dr. C. C. Ikeji
Public Policy and Administration Review, 1(1), pp. 49-59.

This study focused on decentralization and democratic local government in Cross River State, Nigeria. Sample size of 900 was adopted for the purpose of the study. Stratified random sampling was used in the study. Stratification was done on the basis of geopolitical zone, political party affiliation and educational status of the respondents. 900 political party members evenly distributed (300 apiece) among the three leading political parties in the last generalelections were used as respondents for the purpose of the study. Each respondent has at least an SSCE/WASC educational qualification. 300 respondents were interviewed in each of the geopolitical zones (i.e. South, Central and North). One hypothesis was tested. Results showed the political class themselves perceive the local government administration system in Cross River State as not effective and development-focused based on the provisions of the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.

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Dr. C. C. Ikeji
Institution of Public Policy & Administration
University of Calabar