A Dialogical Interaction Analysis of Security and Developmental Implications of Farmers/Herdsmen Conflict in Kogi State, Nigeria
Dr. Idakwoji, S. P.

This research work is an excerpt of the earlier study carried out by this author (Idakwoji, S.P) and three others, Ojomah, B.A, Usman. Y.P. and Orokpo, O.F.E. titled: Farmers/Herdsmen Conflict in Kogi State: Security and Developmental Implications. The data presented in the earlier study formed background information used in this latest presentation. Thus, as a participant researcher, this author used the dialogical interaction analysis of George Herbert Mead and Bakhtin to present the results of the study. The theory of dialogism is premised on the tenet that social world is made up of multiple voices, perspectives and subjective world. Hence, to exist is to engage in continuous dialogue which is the basis for human transformation, fusing with parts of others. The theory of dialogism views humanity as fundamentally indeterminate and unfinalisable, and that human coexistence can only be actualized through a free discursive act and not in predefined context. Hence, dialogue is seen as a fundamental means of a constitutive change. It is on this premise that Lederach (2003) asserted that many of the skill-based mechanisms that reduce violence are rooted in communicative capacities to exchange ideas, find common definitions and move toward solutions. Relying on the premises of dialogism, this study identified the causes of the conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Kogi State, examined the security and socio-economic implications of the conflict on development of the state. The results revealed unique information relating to the perceptions of the conflict groups which provided in-depth understanding of the nitty-gritty of the causes of the conflict in Kogi State. Thus, the results showed that the crux of the conflict centers on the struggle for economic use of land resources by the conflict groups. And that failure of government at all levels as societal regulator and moderator to play its role in terms of provision of stable set of institutional rules to address this crux of the conflict give way to other incidental factors such as deficient/poor policy implementation, ecological/demographic and security related. In order to bring about the much desired peace and harmonious coexistence between farmers and herdsmen, a number of recommendations were proffered amongst others which include the establishment of grazing reserves as interim measure and eventually providing ranching for herds as permanent solution, as well as improved animal husbandry, setting up of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism and declaration of state of emergency on farmers/herders conflict to fast-tract solutions to the crisis.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ppar.v7n1a4